Genealogische geschiedenis van het dorp Zuidland
Treffers 7,551 t/m 7,600 van 11,012
# | Aantekeningen | Verbonden met |
7551 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Sintmaartensdijk, Jacoba Geertruida (I3035)
7552 | eerste van een tweeling. | van Rij, Leuntje (I12251)
7553 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Plooster, Willempje (I3475)
7554 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Meurs, Pieter (I12336)
7555 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Rosenbergh, Pieter (I3791)
7556 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Hazejager, Pietertje (I4200)
7557 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Nieuwland, Kommer (I4463)
7558 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Groen, Gerrit (I4435)
7559 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Luijendijk Beukelman, Aartje (I54)
7560 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van der Meer, Samuel (I12615)
7561 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Bestebreurtje, Elisabeth (I1610)
7562 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Schuld, Elisabeth Johanna (I12645)
7563 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Zoeteman, Cornelis (I4868)
7564 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Sintmaartensdijk, Geertrui (I4904)
7565 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Weeda, Arij (I12693)
7566 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Arkenbout, Abraham (I2519)
7567 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Eijsden, Trijntje (I5142)
7568 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Beukelman, Cornelis (I5474)
7569 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Kabbedijk, Pieternella (I5489)
7570 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Gorzeman, Jakob (I5725)
7571 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Buitendijk, Willem (I6043)
7572 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Hoffen, Leentje (I6049)
7573 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Stoof, Willem (I1358)
7574 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Beukelman, Jannetje (I432)
7575 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Quispel, Teunis (I2119)
7576 | Eerste van een tweeling. | van Driel, Elizabeth Francina (I2367)
7577 | Eerste van een tweeling. | Nieuwenhuizen, Anna (I2684)
7578 | Eerste van tweeling. | van den Hoonaard, Neeltje (I2161)
7579 | Elizabeth Jacoba de Graaff staat als moeder (zonder vermelding van vader) op een akte van doodgeboren zoon op 27 januari 1896. | Gezin: / Elizabeth Jacoba de Graaff (F4985)
7580 | Elkhart - Abraham Hoogenboom, 87, of 23231 Rebecca Drive, died at 1:35 pm Saturday (Jan. 10, 2009) at Courtyard Healthcare in Goshen. He was born June 19, 1921, in Goshen to Leonard H and Arlie (Elzerman) Hoogenboom. He married 1941. She survives along with two daughters, three sons, all of Elkhart; five brothers, 12 grandchildren four step-grandchildren; and 16 great-granchildren. He was preceded in death by an infant brother; one brother, Arthur Hoogenboom; and one sister, Agnes Hoogenboom. Mr Hoogenboom taught government and history at Concord High School for 25 years before retiring in 1983. He was also the basketball coach at Concord High School, Atwood and Mentone. He was a graduate of Goshen High School and Indiana University, where he earned a master's degree. He was a veteran of World War II, having fought at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. He was an active member of Calvary Baptist Church. He often visited persons in the Elkhart County jail and nursing homes. Friends may call from 2 to 4 pm and 6 to 8 pm today at the Rieth-Rohrer-Ehret Funeral Home, 311 S Main St, Goshen. Burial will be at Rock Run Cemetery at 9:30 am Tuesday. A memorial service will be held at 11 am Tuesday at Calvary Baptist Church, 67664 CR 24. Dr Daniel Gelatt of Calvary Baptist will officiate. Online condolences may be sent at | Hoogenboom, Abraham (I18412)
7581 | Emigratie naar de Verenigde Staten in december 1915 (het gezin bestond toen nog uit Theodorus en Cornelia en twee kinderen. Ze vertrokken naar Johannes (John) Zuidweg, de zwager van Cornelia in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Volgens een bevolkingsonderzoek in 1930 bestond het gezin uit Theodorus en Cornelia en zoon Herman (1909), Leuntje (1910), Elsje (1917), Marie (1921) | Gezin: Theodorus Fauel Luijmes / Cornelia Paardekooper (F3047)
7582 | En als ik dood ben, treur dan niet ik ben niet echt dood, moet je weten. Het is mijn lichaam dat ik achterliet. Dood ben ik pas, als jij mij bent vergeten. Bram Vermeulen Gekomen tot de leeftijd der sterken is toch nog onverwacht van ons heengegaan Lisa Zoeteman-Fuchs weduwe van Bas Zoeteman Zij overleed in de leeftijd van 92 jaar. Ede: Ton en Marga Danny Kevin Obbicht: Peter en Marianne Kjell Katja Heerlen, 31 oktober 2017 Zorgcentrum Ter Eyck Correspondentieadres: Hitsbergerweg 10, 6125 RD Obbicht De crematieplechtigheid wordt gehouden op maandag 6 november om 11.15 uur in de aula van crematorium Nedermaas, Vouershof 1 te Geleen. Samenkomst in de ontvangkamer van het crematorium, waar gelegenheid is tot schriftelijk condoleren. Een speciaal woord van dank aan de medewerkers van zorgcentrum Ter Eyck. | Fuchs, Lisa (I19827)
7583 | Er is op 9 juli 1898 een geboorteakte opgemaakt op Nieuw-Beijerland voor Anna Nieuwenhuizen, met vermeld als moeder Macheltje Nieuwenhuizen. Dit kind is blijkbaar een vondeling te Zuidland geweest. Bij geboortedatum staat 6 dec 1898. Vermoedelijk was voor het huwelijk van Anne in 1898 een geboorteakte nodig maar deze was er niet omdat ze te vondeling was gelegd en gevonden/aangenomen door Machelte Nieuwenhuizen. Deze geboorteakte is dan alsnog opgemaakt in juli 1898 te Nieuw-Beijerland. Vermoedelijk moet de geboortedatum 6 dec 1878 zijn. | Nieuwenhuizen, Anna (I11316)
7584 | Er zijn twee echtparen Pieter van Sintmaartensdijk / Jannetje de Hoog in deze periode. | Gezin: Pieter van Sintmaartensdijk / Jannetje de Hoog (F3285)
7585 | Ergens tussen 1690 en 1693 veranderd de achternaam naar VAN DER HEUL. | van der Heul, Trijntje Abrahams (I19402)
7586 | Erkend door de moeder 31 maart 1848. | van der Meer, Keetje (I9537)
7587 | Erkenning 18 maart 1864. | Ruighaver, Maria (I1511)
7588 | Erkenning Anna Meulman. | Gezin: Freerk Meulman / Egberdina Buseman (F8630)
7589 | erkenning door de ouders op 20-01-1897 | de Lat, Corstiaan Jacob (I20174)
7590 | Erkenningsakte. Beschikking van de Rechtbank te 's-Gravenhage van 09-02-1924, Dirk de Fijter en Geertruida Hagenbeek erkennen en wettigen hun dochter Janna Cornelia Hagenbeek geboren op 15-02-1918, huwelijksdatum ouders niet bekend | de Fijter, Janna Cornelia (I6880)
7591 | Fell off the barn as it was being built. | Overgaauw, Jacoba (I18423)
7592 | Frances Mejeur Obituary Mejeur, Frances Lawton, Michigan Frances Anna Mejeur, age 94, went home to be with her Lord on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. She was a resident at White Oaks in Lawton, Michigan, at the time of her death. Frances was the oldest daughter born to Frederick and Anna (Ehlers) Alphenaar on March 8, 1927. She was a graduate of Kalamazoo Christian High School. On April 19, 1950, she was united in marriage to Henry Mejeur. They were lifelong residents in the Kalamazoo area. Their marriage was blessed with two daughters, Ann and Jane. Frances had a strong faith in her Lord. As a member of Community Presbyterian Church, Frances was able to serve her church as organist. Besides her role as wife and mother, Frances also truly enjoyed traveling and her most recent job at Prentiss Labs before retirement. Frances was preceded in death by her husband Henry, sisters Beatrice Van't Slot and Betty (Herman) VerBeek, brother William Alphenaar, granddaughter Joanna Kauk, great-grandson Emmanuel Funk, and brother-in-law Albert Woltersom. She is survived by her daughters Ann and husband David of Saronville, Nebraska, and Jane and husband David of Kalamazoo; grandchildren Emily (Nick) Mouw, Nathan (Blaire) Kauk, Sarah Kauk, Lynnelle (Nathan) Funk, and Elizabeth (Jon) Shepard; and great-grandchildren Austin, Chase, and Jane Mouw; Brynnleigh, Kendrick, and Annsleigh Kauk; and Noah, Joysan, and Jonathan Funk. She is also survived by her brother and sister-in-law Fred (Ellie) Alphenaar, sisters Helen Jacobsen and Anne Woltersom, sister-in-law Claudia Alphenaar, brother-in-law Peter Van't Slot, and many nieces and nephews. A private family burial will be held at Fort Custer National Cemetery. | Alphenaar, Frances Anna (I19523)
7593 | Frederick Hoogenboom was the son of Leendert (Leonard) S. and Aartje (Elzerman) Hoogenboom. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War. He earned his B.A. from Ball State Teachers College and worked as an accountant for GTE for 25 years, retiring in 1991. He was a member and elder of Christ's Community Church, Fishers, Indiana and was active in Gideon's International. Frederick is survived by his wife, Rita Jo (Blair) Hoogenboom; three sons, Mark (Katrina M.), Alan (Charity), and Paul (Katrina A.) Hoogenboom; nine grandchildren, Benjamin, Jacob, Quinten, Colleen, Amanda, Aaron, Kinsey, Shelby and Caleb Hoogenboom; three brothers, Cornelius "Cork" (Shirley), Albert (Mary), and Gerritt (Lina Belle) Hoogenboom. His parents; four brothers, Abe, Leonard, Arthur and Bastiaan Hoogenboom; and one sister, Agnes Hoogenboom, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Monday December 27, 2010 at Randall and Robert Westfield Road Funeral Center, Noblesville, IN. Entombment with U.S. Army Honors was conducted on December 28 in Highland Park Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or Gideon's International | Hoogenboom, Frederick (I18414)
7594 | Funeral Services For Mr. John Nobel Held Monday Mr. John Nobel passed away early Thursday morning at St-Vincents hospital, Sioux City, at the age of 45 years, 4 months and 16 days, after an illness of 20 months. Mr. Nobel was born at Matlock, Iowa, and on March 5th, 1931 he was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Baker, who now survives. He is also survived by three children: Bernie Nobel, Hawarden; Dorothy and Jeanne, at home. He is further survived by his aged mother, Mrs. Jennie Nobel, Hull; and two sistersMagdalena, Mrs. Peter J. Van Otterloo, Rock Valley; and Rose Nobel of Hull. His father, Bastian Nobel preceded him in death in 1918; one brother, Henry Nobel, passed away in 1945; and one sister, Delia, Mrs. Herman J. Van Otterloo, also preceded him in death in 1945. Funeral services were held on January 28, 1952, at the home and at the First Christian Reformed Church of Rock Valley, with Rev. J. Zandstra officiating and Rev. H. Van Deelen assisting. Interment was made in the Rock Valley cemetery. The passing of Mr. John Nobel is mourned by a host of friends and relatives. Sioux County Index 1952-01-31. | Nobel, Jan (I18474)
7595 | Funeral Services Held Thursday For Mrs. Vander Linden Funeral services were held at the First Reformed church Thursday afternoon for Mrs. William Vander Linden, 89, who died at the Sioux Center community hospital Monday evening following a lingering illness. Rev. Harry Brower officiated at the service and burial took place at the local cemetery. Mrs. Vander Linden was born June 10, 1866 in the Netherlands and was married there to William Vander Linden in 1883. The couple came to the United States in 1913 with six of their nine children and settled in Sioux Center. Mr. Vander Linden died in 1939. For the past three years Mrs. Vander Linden made her home with her daughter, Mrs. John Landegent of Rock Valley. Survivors include daughters, Mrs. John Landegent, Mrs. Hendrika Gorselman of Boyden and Mrs. Maartje Van Bodegorn in the Netherlands, and six sons, Jake of Bellflower, Calif., Simon and Jacoben both in the Netherlands, Leendert of Hull, William of Sheldon and Dick of Rock Valley. Also surviving are 47 grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren. Two children died in infancy. Rock Valley Bee 1956-02-02. | Berkhout, Johanna Adriana (I18436)
7596 | Funeral services were held at the First Reformed church at Boyden at1:30 p. m. Tuesday, November 11, for Mrs. William Gorzeman, 85, of Boyden, who died November 8. Services were conducted by the Rev. Henry Schoon and burial was made in the Boyden cemetery under the direction of the Co-operative Funeral Home of Sioux Center. Mrs. Gorzeman was preceded in death by her husband and one son. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Henry Victoria, of Boyden; two brothers in The Netherlands; and three grandchildren. Sioux Center News 1969-11-13. | van der Linden, Hendrika Maartje (I18434)
7597 | Funeral services were held at the Porter Funeral home in Rock Valley at 1:30 P.M. August 21 for Mrs. Cornelius Groen, 80, of Rock Valley, who died at the Rock Valley Hospital August 18. Services were conducted by the Rev. J. Van Zweden and burial was made In Valley View Cemetery at Rock Valley. The former Agnes Ver Hey was born In The Netherlands July 26, 1891. She was married to Cornelius Groen January 25, 1917 in The Netherlands. They came to the U. S. in 1917. He died July 19, 1964. Survivors Include four sons, John of Inwood, Clarence of Hudson, S. D., Paul of Bushnell, S. D., and Henry of Hospers; a daughter , Mrs. Wilfred (Delia) Wallenburg of Hills, Minn.; 12 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Sioux Center News 1971-08-26. | Verheij, Aagje Bastiaantje (I7437)
7598 | Funeral services were held the afternoon of March 11 in the First Reformed church of Boyden for William Gorzeman who passed away quite suddenly after a heart attack March 8 at his home. Rev. J.F. Schortinghuis, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church was in charge, and burial was in the Boyden Cemetery. William Gorzeman was born in Zuidland, The Netherlands, on October 22, 1875. He was 71 when he died. Mr. Gorzeman was united in marriage to Hendrika Vander Linden on November 16, 1911, in The Netherlands. After coming to the States, they farmed near Hull before coming to Boyden in 1926. Surviving are the widow and a daughter, Barbara (Mrs. Henry Victoria) of Boyden. One son, William, preceded him in death on March 19, 1945. Sioux County Capital 1947-03-13. | Gorzeman, Willem (I12137)
7599 | Geboortedatum uit huwelijksakte. | van Beek, Sara Elizabeth (I2457)
7600 | Geboren als 'natuurlijk kind', Pietertje Buitendijk (5 juli 1920). | Overgaauw, Pietertje (I18419)
Historische Vereniging Zuytlant
Zuidland Ons Dorp (Teun Kweekel)
Molen De Arend
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